
Pic Pattie Maes and ALIVE, Autonomous Agents Group, MIT Media Lab, 1994. Copyright@MIT Media Lab

1Bruce M. Blumberg and Tinsley A. Galyean, "Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual Environments, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1995. pp. 47-54.

2 Glorianna Davenport and Brian Bradley, 1001 Electronic Storytelling Nights, in manuscript

3 Stephen Hawkings, A Brief History of Time: An Interactive Adventure, Voyager

4Peter J. Howe, "MIT book would bind computer 'ink' to paper, Boston Globe, March 17, 1996, p.31.

5 Glorianna Davenport and Larry Friedlander, "Interactive Transformational Environments: Wheel of Life," in Contextual Media: Multimedia and Interpretation, Edward Barrett and Marie Redmond, editors, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1995.

Pic Water Enivironment and Guide Station, Wheel of Life Installation, MIT Media Laboratory, January 1993.

The explorer plunged into the water world and down to the bottom of the sea. The guide sent messages encouraging the explorer to commune with creatures of the deep.

Pic Air Environment, Wheel of Life Installation, MIT Media Laboratory, January 1993. The explorer enters a space capsule. To save the ship, she must trigger a change in the state of the crew.

6Tom Zimmerman, Joshua R. Smith, Joseph A. Paradiso, David Allport, and Neil Gershenfeld, "Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces, Proceedings of CHI-95.

Pic Tinsley Galyean, The set for Dogmatic, a virtual film noire experience. The participant, as main character, views the world and is confronted by an unusual antagonist.

Pic Glorianna Davenport, Cheryl Morse, Michael Murtaugh et al, "Jerome B. Wiesner: A Random Walk through the Twentieth Century", Interactive Cinema Group WWW server, MIT Media Laboratory, 1995-6.

7WWW Java Interface Design by Michael Murtaugh for "Jerome B. Wiesner: A Random Walk through the Twentieth Century", Interactive Cinema Group, MIT Media Laboratory, 1995-6

8Glorianna Davenport and Michael Murtaugh, "Context: Towards the Evolving Documentary", Proceedings of Multimedia'95, ACM, 1995.

9Laura Teodosio and Walter Bender , Salient Stills from Video, Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia '93 Conference, 1993.

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by Radiant Productions and proudly brought to you by CLiCK Magazine (c) Copyright 1996