Dexter and the evolving documentary
Glorianna Davenport

4th Annual ACM conference on Multimedia, proceedings, pg. 441 - 442.
November 1996.


The "Evolving Documentary" encapsulates a story concept and digital presentation methods for a class of media stories. This story form combines an extensible collection of media materials and content annotation. The form is particularly well suited to on-going stories -- wars, political campaigns, urban change -- as well as to biographical stories to which people other than the author might contribute. Dexter is a Java Interface tool which takes as input the name and descriptors of the content elements as well as the graphical elements of the interface, and generates a state sensitive interface map which the viewer can use to coherently navigate bits and pieces of content. The graphic design is based on the idea of relating state and spreading energy to a descriptive mechanism. The method maximizes the impression of continuity between segments.

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