Technologies and methods for interactive exhibit design: from wireless object and body tracking to wearable computers
Flavia Sparacino, Kent Larson, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland

International Conference on Hypertext and Interactive Museums, ICHIM 99, Washington, DC.
Sept. 22-26, 1999.


We present three interactive exhibit projects which add technology to the museum space or to the museum visitor. We propose a technological intervention which helps curators and designers to achieve a balance between leisure and learning and help them be more effective in conveying story and meaning. This is made possible by tracking people and objects with wireless and uncumbering real time computer-vision techniques, and with wearable computers which can respond to the context and presence of the visitor along the path of the exhibit. By using these techniques museums can present a larger variety and more connected material in an engaging manner within the limited physical space available. They can also enrich and personalize the visit with a wearable computer-driven visual and auditory storyteller which can adapt and guide the public through the path of the exhibit. All these systems enhance the memory of the visit and help build a constructivist-style learning experience for the public.

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