
to our party page. And yes, we do have better things to do than make a complete site just for our little party. BUT, apparently, YOU don't have anything better to do than to visit it.

SO, theres no excuse for not coming (unless you've got something against the 20 foot-long stuffed snake)  go look. It's in there

Friday, Sept 27th
#5, 96 South Street
Tel: 357-8324

Richard    |    Matt    |    Jonathan

Who else has been here?
Access logs for:

Text of Mail Message Invite was as follows:    NEW:  (Super THIN version here)

To: richlach@media.mit.edu, mgorbet@media.mit.edu, jdsquash@MIT.EDU
From: party@96.south_street.fri
Cc: zod@MIT.EDU, mcutler@nextgen.com, nielr@nextgen.com,
        Rajesh.Anandan@bain.com, sawha@MIT.EDU, gsd96spv@venus.gsd.harvard.edu,
        reem@MIT.EDU, ic@media.mit.edu, thursdays@media.mit.edu,
        nickg@openmarket.com, sbbryan@MIT.EDU, manny@MIT.EDU,
        Alison.Verry@NOAA.gov, tcollins@hearstnewmedia.com,
        mesyjesy@ACS1.BU.EDU, DBERRY@PEARL.TUFTS.EDU, GHanson@seic.com
Cc: AFIAMMA@WELLESLEY.EDU, tesser@wkap.com, hmkuhn@hulaw1.harvard.edu,
        LALLEN1@WELLESLEY.EDU, max@redstar.com, r@media.mit.edu,
        rp@media.mit.edu, mtuteja@media.mit.edu, rsilvers@media.mit.edu,
        jh@media.mit.edu, wjp@media.mit.edu, klug@media.mit.edu,
        asylvest@uoguelph.ca, mayli@MIT.EDU, jnordell@MIT.EDU,
        bezreh@media.mit.edu, adrienne@MIT.EDU, jcahn@media.mit.edu
Cc: morth@media.mit.edu, jrs@media.mit.edu, tangible@media.mit.edu,
        flavia@media.mit.edu, lala@MIT.EDU, froggy@highland.media.mit.edu,
        eddietwo@MIT.EDU, hlubinka@media.mit.edu, ivana@highland.media.mit.edu,
        ninecows@highland.media.mit.edu, jenglos@media.mit.edu,
        thalia@highland.media.mit.edu, srcd@highland.media.mit.edu,
        jwbae@highland.media.mit.edu, eeyore@highland.media.mit.edu,
        mikeg@highland.media.mit.edu, stimpy@highland.media.mit.edu,
        lisa@media.mit.edu, cpomieko@highland.media.mit.edu, adrivers@MIT.EDU,
Cc: dazzler@media.mit.edu, sanj@highland.media.mit.edu,
        wiz@highland.media.mit.edu, wsack@media.mit.edu, tim@media.mit.edu,
        kemper@media.mit.edu, waxman@media.mit.edu, metois@media.mit.edu,
        santa@media.mit.edu, marising@highland.media.mit.edu,
        gwhoest@highland.media.mit.edu, elwood@highland.media.mit.edu,
Cc: lindsay@MIT.EDU, dbrooks@highland.media.mit.edu, tomoko@media.mit.edu,
        nickm@media.mit.edu, joep@media.mit.edu, klee@media.mit.edu,
Subject: Loft-warming Party


WE have a PROBLEM.

20,000 cubic feet of empty space in our new apartment.

YOU have the SOLUTION.

The average human fills about 15 cubic feet.  Since we
aren't 1,333.33 people, bring some of your friends and
come to our party this friday night.

********* T h i s    F r i d a y   N i g h t *******

Richard, Matt and Jonathan invite you to join them 
in their new loft apartment... 

   ...where you'll experience:     .'
                                 .'       :
                                .'       :
    T H E   S W I N G          .'       :
                              .'       :
                             .'       : 
                            .'       ;
                           .'      .o   
                          .'  __,|||'
        _   ____      _
     .:(o :|   (. |:  o):|
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    _`: o|:|   . |: (o :|       M R .
  __..:__ |  .)  |:  _ :|    R O L L I N G 
 .::' `"":|     _.;==  ;|     L E O P A R D 
/':    x | x   /. '\:  :|      C H A I R !
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   .|    ()          .|)
   ()                ()
                        ................   |-|
                        |////(hi!)\////|\  ||-
   R I C H A R D ' S    |//-==|-.//////| | |-| |-
    T R E E H O M E     |[].\0/.[]/| |/| | ||-|-| 
           S W E E T    |/*--**-*//|;|/| | |-|-|-|
            H O M E ! ! |//////////|_|/|_| ||-
                         []             \[_||-|-
                         []              [_|-|
                         []              [_||-|

and MUCH, MUCH more.....  

We're inviting everyone we know, in a REMARKABLE
trip down memory lane.  You'll meet new people, 
have a lot of fun, and bring great house-filling,
house warming gifts!

So come early, come often, come as you are...

Details?  Okay.

Time:  8ish 
Date:  This Friday night (Sept 27th)
Place: #5, 96 South Street (Near South Station)
       Tel: 357-8324
Bring: YOB, friends, plus anything else that might be fun!  

Do:    Check out the party's website at 

Questions?  Comments?  Manifestos? 
			     email	richlach@mit.edu
				or	jdsquash@mit.edu

			     call us at (617) 357-8324


             Kneeland St
        A  -------------------- 
        t  |          |
        l  |         *|<-- 96 South St
        a  --------------------
        n  | East St  |
        t  |          |  
        i  |----------|--------
        c  | Essex St |
           |          |
South -->**|          |
Station  **|T         |
         Dewey Sq
  By T  -- Take the Red Line to South Station;
           Exit through the "Dewey Square" side.
           With South Station behind you, turn left
           and walk down Atlantic Avenue 2 blocks
           to East St.  Turn right on East, left
           on South St, and we're right across the
           street from "Les Zygomates".  Buzzer #5.

  By Car -- Take 93 South to the Kneeland Street 
            exit (one exit past South Station).
            Drive past the Chinatown Gates to
            Kneeland Street, and make a right.
            South Street is two blocks down,
            just after the "Blue Diner".