Flavia is working on interactive performance featuring people
interacting with behavior-based "Media Creatures." She is a visual
storyteller who combines transformational images and expressive
typography for physical, virtual, and web-based environments.
Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A (2000).
Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A (2000).
Sparacino F; Larson K; MacNeil R; Davenport G; Pentland A (1999).
F. Sparacino; DeVaul R; Wren C; MacNeil R; Davenport G; Pentland A (1999).
Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A(1999).
Sparacino F; Wren C; Davenport G; Pentland A(1999).
Sparacino F; Oliver N; Pentland A; Davenport G (1997).
Sparacino F; Wren C; Davenport G; Pentland A (1999).
Davenport G; Agamanolis S; Bradley B; Sparacino F (1997).
Sparacino F (1997)
Sparacino F; Pentland A; Davenport G; et al. (1997).
Wren C; Sparacino F (1997).
Sparacino F; Hall K; Wren C; Davenport, G; Pentland A (1997).
Sparacino F; Pentland A; Davenport G (1997).
Sparacino F; Wren C; Davenport G; Pentland A (1995).
Ph.D. Student, '02
Wearable City
Wearable Cinema/Werable City
Unbuilt Ruins
Responsive Portraits
Virtual Studio: Digital Circus
City of News
MetaCity: Sarajevo
Improvisational Theater Space
Augmented Performace
Media Creatures
Media in performance: Interactive spaces for dance, theater, circus, and museum exhibits.
IBM Systems Journal, vol.39, no.3-4, 2000, pp.479-510. Publisher: IBM, USA.
Wearable Cinema/Wearable City: bridging physical and virtual spaces through wearable computing.
IMAGINA 2000, invited presentation, Montecarlo, January 31st-February 3rd 2000.
Technologies and methods for interactive exhibit design: from wireless object and body tracking to wearable computers.
International Conference on Hypertext and Interactive Museums, ICHIM 99, Washington, DC, Sept. 22-26, 1999.
City of News.
SIGGRAPH 99, Visual Proceedings, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, August 8-13, 1999.
Media actors: characters in search of an author.
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. IEEE Comput. Soc. Part vol.2, 1999, pp.439-46 vol.2. Los Alamitos, CA,
Augmented Performance in Dance and Theater.
International Dance and Technology 99 (IDAT99), at Arizona State University, Feb. 25-28, 1999.
Responsive Portraits.
The Eighth International Symposium on Electronic Art, Chicago, IL, September 1997.
Digital Circus: a computer-vision based interactive Virtual Studio
IMAGINA, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 18-20th January 1999.
Encounters in DreamWorld: A Work in Progress.
Presented at Consciousness Reframed, 1st International CAiiA Research Conference, University of Wales College, Newport, Wales, July 1997.
DirectIVE: Choreographing Media for Interactive Virtual Environments.
MIT MS Thesis.
City of News.
Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria.
Perceptive Spaces for Performance and Entertainment: Untethered Interaction using Computer Vision and Audition.
Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) Journal, March.
Improvisational Theater Space.
The Sixth Biennal Symposium for Arts and Technology, Connecticut College, New London, CT, February 27 - March 2, 1997.
Wearable Performance.
Digest of Papers. First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Cat. No.97TB100199). IEEE Comput. Soc. 1997, pp.181-2. Los Alamitos, CA, USA.
HyperPlex: a World of 3D Interactive Digital Movies.
IJCAI'95 Workshop on Entertainment and AI/Alife, Montreal, August.