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Richard Lachman
MS Degree, '97




Rich is developing a means by which your computer can assume that persona it just didn't seem to have.


Animist Interface

Lachman R (1997).
Experiments in Mapping Character Animation to Computer Interface.
IJCAI Workshop on Animated Interface Agents. Nagoya, Japan. August.

Lachman R; Schütte, A (1997).
[Installation] Presented at Interval Workshop, Palo Alto, CA, July.

Lachman R (1997).
Animist Interface: Experiments in Mapping Character Animation to Computer Interface.
MIT MS Thesis.

Lachman R (1997).
Maitre-D: A Site-Based Agent for Web-Page Recommendation."
IC Technical Report. January 1997.

Davenport G; Lachman R (1996).
Australian Rules Lurker (live run - local version).
[Installation] Language of Interactivity conference, Australian Film Commission. Sydney, Australia. Summer 1996.