Some Assembly Required

David Tames
Principal Researcher

Glorianna Davenport
Research Supervisor

Scaleable, interoperable delivery environments for the presentation of cinematic narratives lack the constraints provided by the traditional processes of production and post-production. In order to deliver powerful narratives, the system needs to understand the director's intention in creating a shot and apply the editor's knowledge of narrative techniques and aesthetics in order to choose between one possible composition and another.

Producing structured video requires a rigorous approach to multicamera shooting as well as rigorous computational facilities for processing the background "world" as well as narrative objects. SAR is designed to think about presentations on display devices ranging from large-scale video panels to wearable wrist-watch sized screens.

This toolset is primarily designed for the production team. The compositions can be composited on the fly using the specialized hardware of the Cheops system or using an SGI machine.

Tames D (1996).
Some Assembly Required: Cinematic Knowledge-Based Reconstruction of Structured Video Sequences
MIT MS Thesis.
Tames D (1995).
Dynamic Presentation of Structured Video Sequences
IC Technical Report.
Tames D (1995).
Some Assembly Required
IC Technical Report.