The Birth of "Another Alice"
Pengkai Pan, Christina Chen, Glorianna Davenport (2001).

COMPUTERS AND FUN 4, King's Manor, University of York, UK


"Another Alice" is an experimental fiction video story, designed solely for a new mobile media platform, M-views. The M-views platform includes an iPaq based PDA, a GPS receiver, an 802.11b wireless card and software agents. Optimized for video, the device facilitates location-aware story making and playback. Compared to any traditional media platforms, such as TV, Cinema, and Streaming Media, M-views has two unique features: (1) it knows the viewer's location, (2) it can receive streaming video from an established 802.11b wireless network. M-views provides story creators an opportunity to construct location-aware mobile video stories. In order to trigger the stories, the viewer needs to become more actively involved either by going to the location of the next clip or activating an object.

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