Video Streamer
Eddie Elliott, Glorianna Davenport

Proceedings of the CHI '94 conference companion on Human factors in computing systems, 1994, Pages 65 - 68.
April 24-28, 1994.


Motion images are usually conveyed full-screen, coming to life through a rapid sequence of individual frames. The tools presented here allow a viewer to step back from the full-screen view to gain perspective of time, and then to transfer from sequential image streams to collages of parallel images. The Video Streamer presents motion picture time as a three dimensional block of images flowing away from us in distance and in time. The Streamer's rendering reveals a number of temporal aspects of a video stream. The accompanying shot parser automatically segments any given video stream into separate shots, as the streamer flows. The Collage provides an environment for arranging clips plucked from a sequential stream as associations of parallel elements. This process of arranging motion images is posed as an engaging viewing activity. The focus is on viewing utensils, but these tools provide an alternative perspective to video elements that also has bearing on editing.

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