Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences, August 5, 1994. 1986.
This thesis explores problems related to the use of 3D computer graphics environments for cinematic pre-visualization. Traditional 3D environments are difficult for moviemakers to use both because they are slow and the interface does not provide the moviemaker with an appropriate language for creating camera views.
The Moviemaker's Workspace was developed to explore a knowledge based solution to this problem. Central goals of the system were to provide a cinematically acceptable interface, and to the greatest extent possible to speed up the blocking of characters and action on the set. The solutions were tested by simulating a pre-visualization of the motion picture "Casablanca."
The thesis work implemented three aspects of a pre-visualization interface. First, the system transcodes the familiar cinematic language into computer graphics views. Second, the system makes use of 2D video objects to simulate 3D characters. Finally, the system has limited knowledge about styles of cinematic scenes.
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