
Aisling Kelliher

Danny Talevera
Undergraduate Researcher (UROP)

Glorianna Davenport
Research Supervisor

PlusShorts is a networked software application that allows a distributed group of users to contribute to and collaborate upon the creation of shared movie sequences. This system introduces an iconic language, consisting of punctuation symbols, for annotating, sharing and interpreting conceptual ideas about cinematic structure. The PlusShorts application presents individual movie sequences as elements within an evolving cinematic storyspace, where participants can explore, collaborate and share ideas.

PlusShorts: Using Punctuation as an Iconic System for Describing and Augmenting Video Structure.
MIT Masters Thesis, May 2001.

Kelliher A; Seo JJH; Pan P; Lin C; Davenport G (2000).
Visual Interfaces for Sharable Media.
ISEA 2000 International Symposium on Electronic Art, December 2000.