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Worrier: what it can do for you
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Today's hectic lifestyles leave little time for fun activities, as we struggle to keep up with our packed schedules. For many people, precious moments of relaxation and enjoyment are squandered as instead they find themselves endlessly fretting and worrying the hours away. If only they could use that time to browse through a magazine, make a tree-house for the grandkids or savour the sunset on a fall evening. |
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The Worrier Application
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The Worrier application has been designed specifically to address this problem, by providing an anonymous, yet personable software solution for retrieving those lost minutes. Worrier embraces developments in networked communication to connect anxiety-wracked people everywhere. Working as a team, Worrier users shoulder the anxiety burden together as they combine their computing power in one giant rumination process. Worrier also functions on an individual level, allowing users to privately allocate some "Worrier time" to address their own personal fears.
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The Worrier Team
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You can become part of the worrying team right now, by filling out the form below. Your worry will be processed as soon as another member accepts the responsibility of mulling over your fear. Your privacy is always strictly respected. At no time will the specific details of your worry be revealed to another team-member. Worrier functions by passing your inputted anxiety to another member in the form of a generic "Worry Unit". This unit is loaded into their locally stored copy of the Worrier software where processing begins immediately. From this moment on, you can rest assured that your worry is being taken care of and you are free to continue with your normal life.
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Working Together
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Worrier has been developed in a spirit of togetherness. As a result of this, it is hoped that contributors to the pool of worries will also take a moment to download the Worrier software and give back to the community that serves them. Your personal copy of Worrier can be used to cogitate over your own anxieties and to process the submitted worries of other team members.
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