Shareable Media

Pengkai Pan, Aisling Kelliher, James Jung-Hoon Seo, and Cathy Lin

Glorianna Davenport
Research Supervisor

Affordable, easy-to-use digital video equipment, widely available high-bandwidth connectivity and the variability of distributed networks and messaging protocols provide an opportunity to expand the ways people utilize video-based storytelling. Research in the Shareable Media Project includes tool design, exploration in aesthetic structures and methods for developing Shareable Media communities. The research infrastructure supports applications concerned with contextual browsing, context sensitive display as well as the formation of contextual communities.

Four demonstrations highlight different aspects of the Shareable Media project:

Individeo -- developed by James Jung-Hoon Seo;

PlusShorts -- developed by Aisling Kelliher;

M-Views -- developed by Pengkai Pan; and the

Scaleable Architecture -- developed by Cathy Lin and Pengkai Pan.

Kelliher A (2001).
PlusShorts: Using Punctuation as an Iconic System for Describing and Augmenting Video Structure.
MIT Masters Thesis, May 2001.
Kelliher A; Seo JJH; Pan P; Lin C; Davenport G (2000).
Visual Interfaces for Sharable Media
ISEA 2000 International Symposium on Electronic Art, December 2000.
Lin C; Cheng D; Pan P; Seo JJH; Kelliher A; Davenport G (2000).
An Extensible Architecture for Multiple Applications with Shareable Media
International Workshop on Networked Appliances, November 2000.
Pan PK; Davenport G (2000).
I-Views: a community-oriented system for sharing streaming video on the Internet
Elsevier Computer Networks: the International Journal of Distributed Informatique,
vol.33, no.1-6, June 2000, pp.567-81. Netherlands.

Pan PK (1999).
I-Views: a Storymaking Community of, by and for the Audience
MIT MS Thesis.