
M-Views Presenter

The M-Views Presenter architecture is designed for sharing context-aware stories with enhanced multi-user messaging capability. The M-Views Presenter, shown in figures 1 and 2, is a Pocket PC handheld computer, outfitted with an 802.11 wireless network card (and possibly additional contextual sensors) and running M-Views Presenter software. The software communicates with the M-Views server, sending context and messaging information from the Presenter's interface, positioning system, and sensors. The server sends event and message information back to the client, along with video URLs (which are accessed through a specified media player). The current location detection engine examines 802.11 RSSI values to perform nearest-neighbor trilateration and discover the physical location of the handheld device.

[Figure 1] Presenter Interface on Pocket PC

[Figure 2] Video Display on Pocket PC

The server provides messages and story events to the client. After subscribing to various stories, the M-Views Presenter communicates with the server, which then determines what clip URL or message, if any, to return to the client, based on contextual data. The server is designed to be flexible. The more specific implementation details can be changed depending on the needs of the system. It is fully customizable.

Key Features of the M-Views Presenter and Server:

· Message-driven server-side architecture
· Multiple story capability plus non-story message forum
· Java backend using servlets
· Client GUI optimized for message parsing
· Server-maintained client state/options stored as XML
· Streaming video (supported by user-selected media players)
· Maintained and monitored easily over the web

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