Eddie "Fast Eddie" Elliot is the person solely responsible for creating one of IC's most popular demos and most prevalent shelf ornaments. Video Streamer and Collage Space, Eddie's thesis project, extrudes flat 2-D video into 3-D, allowing one to explore the "edge of time." Eddie added the neat little feature to Video Streamer of printing captured video, so that you could fold it up like a box and sit it on your computer monitor beside your ninety six other video boxes of your favorite TV commercials and scenes from your cousin Irving's wedding. Eddie has also made contributions to Elastic Charles and Elastic Boston 1990.
Elliot E (1994).
Elliott E (1992).
Elliott E (1992).
Eddie Elliott
MS Degree, '92
Video Streamer.
CHI 94.
Watch*Grab*Arrange*See: Thinking with Motion Images via Streams and Collages.
MIT MS Thesis.
Multiple Views of Digital Video.
MIT Media Lab, March.