Stefan Agamanolis,
Freedom Baird,
Barbara Barry,
Brian Bradley,
Joe Paradiso,
Arjan Schutte,
Flavia Sparacino
Glorianna Davenport
Research Supervisor
The Dream Machine is a highly distributed, interactive narrative designed to engage a large, widely dispersed society of audience. It uses the techniques of cinema, theater, and architectural space design to improvisationally craft a playful, lyrical, emergent story experience in close collaboration with its society of co-actors.
The Dream Machine's presence simultaneously spans several venues in both the real and the story world: it is accessible through the correlated, distributed environments of the World Wide Web, live-performance Public Spaces, and pager networks.
Dream Machine: CINEMAT component has travelled to:
Rotterdam International Film FestivalEspacio '98
The Dream Machine project draws heavily on Java for its Web implementation. The live site uses a variety of sensors as well our internally developed video processing mechanism. Motorola has supplied the two-way pagers.
Davenport G (2000).
Your own virtual storyworld Scientific American, vol. 283, no. 5, pp. 79-82, November 2000. Davenport G; Bradley B; Agamanolis S; Barry B; Brooks KM (2000). Synergistic storyscapes and constructionist cinematic sharing IBM Systems Journal, vol.39, no.3-4, 2000, pp.456-69. Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A (2000). Media in performance: Interactive spaces for dance, theater, circus, and museum exhibits IBM Systems Journal, vol.39, no.3-4, 2000, pp.479-510. Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A (2000). Wearable Cinema/Wearable City: bridging physical and virtual spaces through wearable computing IMAGINA 2000, invited presentation, Monte Carlo, January 31st-February 3rd 2000. Sparacino F; Davenport G; Pentland A (1999). Media actors: characters in search of an author Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems. IEEE Comput. Soc. Part vol.2, 1999, pp.439-46 vol.2. Sparacino F; Wren C; Davenport G; Pentland A (1999). Digital Circus: a computer-vision based interactive Virtual Studio IMAGINA, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 18-20th January 1999. Davenport G (1998). Very distributed media stories: presence, time, imagination Euro-Par'98 Parallel Processing. 4th International Euro-Par Conference. Proceedings. Springer-Verlag. 1998, pp.47-54. Berlin, Germany. Schutte AA (1998). PATINA: layering a history-of-use on digital objects MIT MS Thesis. Lachman R; Schütte, A (1997). Spelunk! Presented at Interval Workshop, Palo Alto, CA, July. Davenport G; Agamanolis S; Bradley B; Sparacino F (1997). Encounters in DreamWorld: A Work in Progress. Presented at Consciousness Reframed, 1st International CAiiA Research Conference, University of Wales College, Newport, Wales, July 1997. Baird F (1997). Tilting at a Dreamer's Windmills: Gesture-Based Constructivist Interaction with Character Consciousness Reframed Conference, July. Baird F (1997). The Un/Real Duet: Intimacy & Agency through Interaction with a Virtual Character MIT MS Thesis. Davenport G; Bradley B (1997). Everyone's Cinema: Toward the Future of Cinematics Presented at Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen, Germany, April 1997. Davenport G (1996). 1001 Electronic Story Nights: Interactivity and the Language of Storytelling Australian Film Commission's Language of Interactivity Conference, Summer 1996.