exhibitions ::
supercollision :: 10.06.01
one day arts and technology event at mit on october 6, 2001. featuring kinetic sculpture, computer graphics, interactive installations, robots and more. ben and i made a dreammachine for the occasion. the original dreamachine was conceived by brion gysin. he described it in a patent application as a "procedure and apparatus for the production of artistic visual sensations". essentially it is a tall cylinder punctured by an ordered pattern of irregular shapes. the cylinder sits on a record player spinning at 78 rpm, with a light source suspended inside it. the light bursts through the holes in the cylinder producing a flickering strobe-like effect. it is intended that the viewer sits close to the machine, closes her eyes and allows the light to play on her eyelids. intense, dynamic patterns are experienced. way cool man.
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flights of fantasy :: 04.07.01 : 05.28.01
in conjunction with the boston cyberarts festival 2001, the interactive cinema group presented the interactive installation "flights of fantasy" on view from april 7 through May 28, 2001 at the decordova museum and sculpture park. flights of fantasy was conceived, designed, and implemented by researchers and storytellers of the mit media lab, under the direction and guidance of glorianna davenport, director of the interactive cinema group. this installation examines the future of storytelling by exploring how technology will change the way we tell our tales. developed around the theme of whirling birds spreading stories through the ether, visitors to the museum use a large gameboard table to construct video messages for the birds to carry. in the adjoining room, these messages can be released into the world for viewing by opening the doors of the installed birdcages which contain viewing monitors displaying the transferred video messages. video messages are constructed from over 450 movies clips and 150 audio clips stored in a central database which are organized by categories such as activity, location, duration of shot, characters and symbolic referent. |
read more about the flights of fantasy exhibit here and here
center for advanced visual studies :: december 2000
end of term exhibition for the mas 879 interactive expression class at the center for advance visual studies. i put together the installation stations :: an interactive holographic interpretation of the stations of the cross. |
read more about the stations exhibit here
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