publications ::
documenting digital dialogues : TIDSE03 conference proceedings, march 2003(forthcoming)
aisling kelliher, ali mazalek, glorianna davenport |
read full paper here |
imagine magazine : focus on communications, volume 9 number 3, january/february 2002
aisling kelliher |
read full article here |
plusshorts: using punctuation as an iconic system for describing and augmenting video structure
master's thesis, mit, may 2001
aisling kelliher |
read full thesis here |
isea2000 : international symposium on electronic art : forum des images, paris : 12.7.2000
visual interfaces for shareable media
aisling kelliher, james jung-hoon seo, pengkai pan, cathy lin, glorianna davenport |
abstract |
full paper (pdf) |
iwna2000 : international workshop on networked appliances : new brunswick, nj, usa : 11.20.2000
an extensible architecture for multiple applications with shareable media
cathy lin, david cheng, pengkai pan, james jung-hoon seo, aisling kelliher, glorianna davenport |
abstract |
full paper (pdf) |
articles ::
welcome to the bleeding edge : circa art magazine 94, winter 2000, pp. 15-17.
john gerrard + gemma tipton |
read full article here |
invited talks ::
massaging media :: ATE conference :: 11.23.02
topic :: the return of the sequence |
conference website
multiples*1 :: ninth living surfaces annual conference :: 05.04.02
topic :: interpret + invade |
conference website
panel discussions ::
9th biennial symposium for arts and technology at connecticut college in february 2003.
topic :: digital dialogues |