research ::
video blogs :: audiovisceral :: 2002
"leafed through the diary a little. got a kind of inkling of the way a life like this is constructed."
entry from kafka's diary, kept while writing "the trial"
for centuries, people have used diaries, journals and commonbooks to record the events of the day, interesting anecdotes, their thoughts and their hopes for the future. writing in diaries helps people reflect and make sense of their lives, by allowing them to document initial observations and feelings about an event that they can subsequently revisit and review at a later date. in my current research i am looking to explore this process of chronological documentation and reflection, within the context of an online, multimedia domain. specifically, i am interested in developing a software tool that will provide users with a functional and uncomplicated method for publishing their video content online, using a diary format as the display and distribution framework. the goal of the application is to provide for a casual and natural approach to moviemaking, where the process of producing video content becomes embedded in the activities of daily life, and as straightforward and manageable to do as making a written entry in a traditional diary.
one popular format for producing online journals are weblogs. as part of my exploration into web-based video diaries, i made my own video weblog :: |
audiovisceral.net |
plusshorts :: master's thesis :: 2001
plusshorts is a web application that explores the use of punctuation as an iconic system for describing and augmenting edited video. this system allows for a distributed group of users to contribute to and collaborate upon the creation of shared movie sequences, where punctuation symbols can be utilized to detail the structure of that sequence and inspire dialogue about the essence of that structure. plusshorts is implemented as a java applet that can be launched from the shareable media website. within the applet there are three main activity areas: a newsgroup-type interface for browsing through and selecting sequences to play, a storyboard grid for manipulating sequences and a playback area for previewing and submitting sequences.
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shareable media :: aisling kelliher, cathy lin, pengkai pan, james jung hoon seo :: 2000/2001
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Shareable Media is a web-based system that explores how a community of users can tell stories and express ideas through a shared database of digital video clips. Each user can help expand the database by contributing original material, which becomes available to all other users. Viewers become authors as they create new sequences from the shared clips, with the help of novel editing tools that rethink the traditional timeline interface. Visualization tools show how the video content is being used by the community of users, and recommendation systems help ease the browsing of the video database. Communication among users is fostered through the tight integration of message boards, personal webpages, and chat. |
In order to encourage the development of virtual storysharing communities, we are partnering with several physical storytelling communities from different countries. We are interested in determining the impact of Shareable Media, both at an individual and a group participant level, in terms of artistic expression, emergent storytelling techniques, virtual collaboration, community-oriented self organization and global communication.